24 January 2009

Obama's Nonbeliever Nod Unsettles Some

Obama's Nonbeliever Nod Unsettles Some






1 comment:

  1. When I watched the inauguration, Pres. Obama's nod to non-believers was the one aspect of his speech that actually made my ears perk up. I suspect that I am hypersensitive to buzz words like "non-believer" and "atheist", and I am admittedly biased - so naturally the "shout-out" got my attention.

    I love that Christians are getting so bent out of shape about his acknowledgment that our country is diverse and contains other human beings that haven't been taught their morals from Leviticus and Deuteronomy. I wonder how upset the fundies would have been if Obama mentioned that our country is a white and female - since they are the majority.

    F.Y.I., Rev. Cecil Blye, e pluribus umum is not a Judeo-Christian tradition. And, Bishop E.W. Jackson better acknowledge that America is composed of diverse individuals who are free to think what they want since it's primarily the atheists who are hoarding all the degrees in the country.
